<% lb=request("lb") %> <% Function dlb(id) set rs8=server.CreateObject("ADODB.RECORDSET") sql8="select * from lb where lb_id="&id&"" rs8.open sql8,conn if rs8.eof then response.Write "没有大类" else response.Write rs8("lb_name_e") end if rs8.close End Function %> 台州同际轴承制造有限公司



<% dl=request("dl") zl=request("zl") gjz=request("gjz") xl=request("xl") lb=request("lb") id=request("id") if gjz<>"" then if gjz<>"" and lb<>"" then sql="select * from cp where info_e like '%"&gjz&"%' and lb_name="&lb&" order by px asc" else sql="select * from cp where info_e like '%"&gjz&"%' order by px asc" end if else sql="select * from cp order by px desc" end if if dl<>"" and zl="" and xl="" then sql="select * from cp where lb_name="&dl&" order by px asc" end if if dl<>"" and zl<>"" and xl="" then sql="select * from cp where xl="&zl&" and lb_name="&dl&" order by px asc" end if if dl<>"" and zl<>"" and xl<>"" then sql="select * from cp where xl="&zl&" and lb_name="&dl&" and cl="&xl&" order by px asc" end if rs.open sql,conn,1,3 if rs.recordcount=0 then %> No information in this area! <% else page=cint(request("page")) rs.pagesize=x*y ys=rs.pagecount zys=rs.recordcount mys=rs.pagesize if page<1 then page=1 end if if page>ys then page=ys end if dd=rs.pagecount yss=10 if pageyss then eee=page/yss+0.01 eee1=int(page/yss+0.01) if eee>eee1 then eee1=eee1+1 end if t=yss*int(page/yss) w=eee1*yss end if if w
<%if not rs.eof then for j=1 to y for i=1 to x if rs.eof=true then exit for end if %>
<% rs.movenext next %> <%next end if end if %>
">" <%=xg%> border="0" <%=xk%> />
" class="cc"><%=rs("info_e")%>
All<%=zys%>Article  <%=mys%>Article/Page  All<%=ys%>Page  Now<%=page%>Page   <%if page<>1 then%> First   Previous  <% end if if page<>ys then %> Next   Last <%end if %>   <% for i=t to w if i>dd then exit for end if if i=cint(request("page")) then l="" ll="" else l="" ll="" end if %> <%= l & i & ll %> <%next%>